(NEW RELEASE 2021!) Earn $12.00+ Every SINGLE Song YOU Listen?!! Make Money Online


Folks this is Wesley billion dollar virgin guess what listen I want you to imagine taking a pair of headphones like this look and put them in your ears and listening to music and getting paid 12this is seriously 12 every single song that you listen to listen like imagine just waking up in the morning and actually listening to music and getting paid in the process think about how many songs that you’ve listened to right now in the past five to ten years you’ve made zero dollars playlist push dot com go there right now playlistpush.com now listen maybe you've seen this site before or maybe you haven't but please pay attention many people they do this wrong I’ve seen a couple of Articles on YouTube of people showing this site here and many people are getting declined youknow it's not working for thembecause they're not paying attention andi'm not giving you the secrets that i'mgonna give you in the Article to do thisvery easilyso you can make money like imagineleaving your job in the next 24 to 48hoursbecause you're making three thousanddollars a monthand listen the great thing about thissite hereif you want to listen to 20 songs a daythey will keep paying you over and overagainit's up to you okay so listen they'vebeen around for a little while hereit's usually for artists and whathappens is you might say well wesley whywould a personpay me money to do this like i'm just aregular guy i'm a regular girl rightlistenartists all around the world they'retrying to be the next beyonce and thenext drakethey upload their music here and they'repaying you to basically do a review forit okay it's called a curator and it's simple this is so it's powerful here youhave over 90970 people plus that's alreadydoing this and what you're gonna doright now we have over 23 millionplay this and so many artists here thatis on this site and this is really forthe personthat like makes like like miss listeningto music hereand if that's what you like to do payattention here okay so listen i'm gonnakeep thisvery very easy it's gonna be very verysimple to do okay what you need to dois click on the word that says forcreators here okaynow you're going to click on spotifyplaylistcreators now listen if you're a tic-tockperson you could do tick-tock toobut if you're not like me i was brandnew i'm a beginneri listen to music but i'm trying to getpaidwhile i'm playing those tracks let's getit make sensehey did you smash the like buttonbecause i already did a dance for you soshow me i'm talking to you show me somelove all right lookspotify playlist here okaythis is crazy right so see here they'regonna pay you 12this is legit here 12 persong you just listen to it review itdone you could look imagine doing thiswhen you wake updriving in your car sitting on thetoilet taking a dumpand getting paid 12 every single timeyou do thateven at your job this is just like someextra income here while you should bedoing your job you could be listening tomusic because you're probablyalready doing that right now aren't youi know you arelisten so and what i love about them isinstant payouts they pay youevery single week depending on the songsthat you listen toover and over again that's twelvedollars every single songand they pay out every single week areyou getting excited right nowsmash the like button then if you have asmile on their face i'm talking to youput show me some love smash the likebutton herelisten because it gets better here nowall you need to do is go down here andsay sign me uptoo easy right now this is veryimportant this is why so many peoplefail right here at this moment this iswhy so many people get denied listen doexactly what i doirregards of the country that you livein right i want you to do it the waythat i'm going to show you as you cansee herethey cover all over the world but what iwant you to do is do it the way that iactually dobecause i want you to get accepted andnot get denied like a lot of people aregetting denied on the side here doesthat make sense so you go down hereunited states of america okay i knowunited statescanada they all work united kingdomthese other countries they may but justchoose united states and no it doesn'tmatterif you're not in the united states ofamerica what we're trying to do hereis get approved this makes sense we wantto getthis approved because you don't getapproved just guess whatno money for you no money no honey babyall right so i want you to get somedollars here look all right so i'mscroll down hereno i don't manage any playlist yet yesyou dojust put yes and i get it you might saywesley i don't have a playlistdon't worry i'm gonna give you aplaylist you don't have to create yourown because i love you so muchsee in the comment section below inoticed that people say wesley i loveyou becauseone you're crazy two you're just givingthis value for free that's why ikeep smashing the like button because iwant you to create more Articles that'swhy i'm sub to your channel now and isaid okayi appreciate that much love right nowlistenyou gotta put yes and here this is wheremany people screw up you got to click on1000 to 10 000. if you click on zero to one watch this didn't I didn't see you you'll be screwed up here so the thing is we want to do this correctly here all right so let's go back to theprocess again and we want to make surewe don't get denied so you put unitedstates of americaand listen this Article is intended toshow you everything from a to z how todo iti promise you i'm with you here allright click onyes click on 1000 boom seeyou see that now you're in now listen iwant you to hold that screenstay right here now what i want you todo is create a free spotify accountas you can see here i already have aspotify account right hereyou need to create one for yourself oneand you need to create a playlist nowlet me show you why this is importantwhy you have to have a thousandyou must have 1 000people that follow you on spotify and iknow what you're thinking wesleyhow do i get a thousand i don't know idon't know a thousand peopleeven those people that follow me onfacebook and instagram i don't knowthese people they're not gonna follow mei don't have time listen you don't haveto go to facebookyou don't have to go to instagram youdon't have to go to reddit i need to gonone of that stuff i'm going to show youjust thiseasy simple way on how we're going towork togetherand i'm going to make it happen for youright now are you with me okay greatso what you do is this you're going toopen up a spotify accountyou're gonna go to this playlist i'mgonna put a description of that siteright under this Article right here guys igotta move to another room because mypower is about to go dead so you'regonna take thisright here this is a playlist okay and iwant to prove to you you see herei have over 1400 followers i know whatyou're thinkingwesley yeah i love that okay now lookherenow look look check it out you're stillwith me are you still with me smash thelike button guysall right listen so i have 1400 all youneed is a thousandokay now this is what we're gonna doright we're gonna be cool about thisfirst step is to do this first this ismyplaylist here okay this is my spotifyyou're going to create a playlist twodifferent ways you're going to use whati already have here i'm going to put adescription in the link belowright here and create a free playlistright now based offmy playlist i teach people how to makemillions of dollarssome people um and it's called theovernight millionaire series it's freeright and it's how i became amulti-millionaire close to becoming abillionaire here okaybut that's not important what'simportant is you need to click thoselinks and create a playlist now listennow this is how you get 1400 listenlook at me if me and you work togetherif you put your playlist link this isimportantput your playlist link in thecomment section below i'm going tofollow you andother people that are watching thisArticle right now are going to follow youas welldoes that make sense listen teamworkmakes the dream workit's not fair that certain people getrich and other people don'tso listen i say you know once i i'mgonna be honest with you i was broke atone timeand now i'm making millions of dollarsand i found a wayusing this site for us to work togetherso everybodythat comment below smash the like buttonif you're willing to followeverybody in the comment section belowand i will follow you toothis will take about 24 to 48 hours ifwe do it righti'm gonna have over thousands if nothundreds of thousands of people thatwould do thisnow listen to ensure that we get morepeoplefaster because understand this as soonas you hit a thousand they're gonna payyou out okay you're gonna startlistening to someone they're gonna payyou 12 bucksevery single time that's 120 minimum aday if you listento ten songs a day that takes about 30minutes so every 30 minutesthat's 120 in your bank account butlisten we have to work together doesthat make senseare you down with that are you cool withthat so all you need to do create aplaylisti left a link below if you need songs orif you needuh podcasts or content here you can justadd this to your playlistyou want to comment below say hey guysfollow me here i'll say wesfollow me here everybody listen for thisto work guystogether so you stop searching formake money online youtube Articles andactually start making a couple ofdollars here this is not meant for youto be richbut three to four thousand dollars amonth is nothing to sneeze at bylistening to musicall you have to do is just followeverybody's link below that's it okay ifwe follow everybody i'm gonna follow youeverybody just say hey guys follow memuch love and say hey thank wesfor doing this if everybody using mychannel i have over 400000 subscribers here there's no way whywe allcan collectively have a thousand peoplethat follow each other so we can allmake this money at least three to fourthousand dollarsa month is that cool deal now if we wantto reallyum expedite the process what i want youto do as wellshare it to your facebook page seriouslyit's not for me it's just for everybodylike share this Articleon your facebook page because understandthe more people that watch the Articleand actually like the Article and followthe playlist then the faster you hit1000 so when you applyyour account will look something likethis let me show you something heresee right here boom i already wentthrough the steps heresee continue with spotify here they'regoing to check your account to make sureyou have a thousandand then you're gonna see something likethis i've already filled it out so i'malready connected they're gonna reviewmeand once i review i get a decision andi'm in does that make sense i haveseveral accounts by the wayi do this over and over again because ihave people like you that are willingto click those links below create aplaylist and followeverybody in the comment section belowjustput your playlist and say followeverybody please follow memuch love thanks wes that's all you haveto typeeverybody please follow me and i'llfollow you backand we just go back and forth over andover again and if you share this to yourfacebook pagesright now if you just share this youhave more people that's going togravitate to the Articlethen you'll find yourself not working ajob anymore rightbecause three thousand dollars a monthhow many of you will quit your job ifyou're making three thousand dollars amonthby listening to music listening to drakein these songs rightand just reviewing them on a daily basistakes about 30 to 40 minutes it doesn'tthat's it that's 120 a daylike you can make more it's up to youbut all you need to do is take theplaylist that you're going to create onspotify for freeput it in the comment section belowteamwork makes the dream workand everybody follows everybody okay ifyou continue to do this over and overagainthen you have a thousand you'll getapproved and then you'll thank meand say wesley you are the mother elfand manmuch love hey guys now listen i got something i want to share with you if anybody right now would like me to help them tomake a thousand dollars per dayin your sleep and yes it's very possibleto do it and as a matter of facti have this girl okay she's a very veryattractive young ladyand when you click that link you'regonna see hershe's from new york she knew nothingabout the internet just like youcompletely clueless she's earning ahundred thousand dollarsper month and in the link she's going toshow you exactly how she's doing and shedoes it in hersleep warningit's powerful but it's not for everybodyhere's the link right here much love but listen guys go back put yourplaylistin the comment section below this is wesley billion dollar version much lovelet's go later guysEnglish (auto-generated)All Recently uploaded


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